Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Day Fifteen of Being Closed - Adjusting Still

This takes some adjusting to get used to. The routine in places is falling into place. For our house it's a run in the morning or walk in the afternoon. Some phone calls to family and friends each day. Connecting with others across social media when we can. Reading books and watching TV.

But then there is also the keeping up with the news and the numbers of cases or deaths all across the world. We watch the ups and downs of the course of the pandemic as it rages across Europe and now on into the United states.

There are endless emails from the central church of England and the local Diocese to keep up with. Each are important bringing the latest instructions for funerals or news of the latest list of food banks that serve the city. They all need to be read and and inwardly digested.

There are so many changes that have all happened so fast. But we're grappling to make some patterns start to form in the midst of the seemingly endless storm. Tonight we restarted our midweek Bible Course with around fifty people joining online and watching the video sections together before breaking out into small groups for discussion and sharing. So tomorrow there is a social quiz night to get more people connected again. It's so good just to see people's faces again. Quite emotional to hear the buzz of people laughing and teasing one another.

There are always those who won't be able to join in for practical issues prevent them and often they are the ones who are most vulnerable and in need of company. We are still working hard to get a good process for ensuring that everyone is contacted regularly by phone.

Perhaps we just have to get used to this uncertainty. Perhaps we need to learn from St Paul who endured so many different trials and tribulations for in Jesus he found the way to a peace that passes all understanding. In Philippians 4.11 Paul says that he has learned to be content whatever the circumstances. We can do this by fully trusting in God but for me there's still some adjusting to do.

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